Mobile GeoLocation App in 30 minutes – Part 2: Sencha Touch


This is the second part of a three part series to show how we can use Sencha Touch (a mobile web JavaScript framework) to create the GUI to integrate with our Node.js REST API that we built in Part 1. As you may recall from the previous post, I’m tracking dogs and storing their coordinates in a MongoDB. Now we will create a mobile app that will list the dogs and when selected will show them on a Google Map relative to your current location. Let’s get started.

Connecting to Node.js using MVC

Connecting to Node or really any REST/JSONP service is fairly trivial. Since Sencha Touch supports MVC on the client side, I will illustrate how to create the application using that approach. This is very useful because it keeps with one of the main programming tenets: Separation of Concerns. In this way we can create concise JavaScript applications that break-up the application along the lines of model, view and controller components. First step is to create the model as follows:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.Pet', {
    extend: '',
    config: {
        fields: [
                name: 'name'
                name: 'description'
                name: 'longitude',
                type: 'float'
                name: 'latitude',
                type: 'float'
                name: 'coords'
                name: 'date',
                type: 'date'
                name: '_id'

Notice above that I’m defining a “Pet” model by extending the class and assigning the fields to the model. Additionally, I set types as needed so they aren’t considered strings. Next, we create the store that will populate the model:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',
    requires: [
    config: {
        autoLoad: true,
        model: 'MyApp.model.Pet',
        storeId: 'PetTracker',
        proxy: {
            type: 'jsonp',
            url: 'http://localhost:8080/dogtag',
            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                idProperty: '_id',
                rootProperty: 'records',
                useSimpleAccessors: true

The PetTracker Store uses a JSONP proxy and binds the output of the service to the model we previously created. Notice, that I simply put the URL to the Node.js URL binding that will list out all dogtags and use a JSON reader to put them in the model.

Binding the Model with the View and Controller

Now that I have the data, where do I put it in the GUI? Sencha Touch provides several mobile GUI widgets that look very much like native mobile apps. In my case, I decided to use the panel with a docked toolbar at the top. Let’s take a look:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.PetPanel', {
    alias: 'widget.petListPanel',
                emptyText: "<div>No Dogs Found</div>",
                loadingText: "Loading Pets",
                    '<div>{name} is a {description} and is located at {latitude} (latitude) and {longitude} (longitude)</div>'
    onPetsListItemTap:function (dataview, index, target, record, e, options) {
        this.fireEvent('petSelectCommand', this, record);

In the example above, I create a panel with fit layout (aka, responsive web design) and put a toolbar and list component in it. To get the data in the list, all I have to do is set the store to the store name I created earlier (line 16). On line 22, you can see that I’m using expression language to templatize the output of the store data in each list row (look Ma, no FOR loops!). Finally, we need to create the Controller to respond to events in the code. In the View code, you see on line 36 that I fire the ‘petSelectCommand’ when a list item is tapped. Let’s look at the controller code for this.

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.PetTracker', {
    extend: '',
    markers: [],
    directionsDisplay: null,
    directionsService: null,
    config: {
        stores: ['PetTracker'],
        refs: {
            petListPanel: 'petListPanel',
            petList: '#PetList',
            petMap: 'petMap',
            radiusPicker: 'radiusPicker'
        control: {
            petListPanel: {
                petSelectCommand: "onPetSelected"
            petMap: {
                backButton: "onBackButton",
                mapRender: "onMapRender",
                nearButton: "onNear"
            radiusPicker: {
                pickerChanged: "onPickerRadiusChange"

    launch: function () {
        // Initialize Google Map Services
        this.directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
        this.directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();

        var mapRendererOptions = {
            //draggable: true,  //Allows to drag route
            //hideRouteList: true,
            suppressMarkers: true


    // Transitions
    slideLeftTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' },
    slideRightTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' },

    onPetSelected: function (list, record) {
        var mapView = this.getPetMap();
        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(mapView, this.slideLeftTransition);

        this.renderMap(mapView, mapView.down("#petMap").getMap(),;

    onBackButton: function () {
        var store = Ext.getStore('PetTracker');
        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getPetListPanel(), this.slideRightTransition);

    renderMap: function (extmap, map, record) {
        // erase old markers
        if (this.markers.length > 0) {
            Ext.each(this.markers, function (marker) {
        var position = new google.maps.LatLng(record.latitude, record.longitude);

        var dynaMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: position,
            title: + "'s Location",
            map: map,
            icon: 'resources/img/yellow_MarkerB.png'


Covering all that’s inside this controller is beyond the scope of this article and besides there’s already really good articles on this such as the one here. If we pick-up from the event we fired in the view, you can see on line 16 where I’ve bound the onPetSelected() method to the event. On line 47, you can see the implementation of that method where I do the slide transition to the map view panel and then render the map in that panel. Finally, there’s this small piece of code to bootstrap the application and launch it.

    enabled: true

    models: [
    stores: [
    views: [
    name: 'MyApp',
    controllers: [
    launch: function() {
        var petList = {
            xtype: 'petListPanel'
        var petMap = {
            xtype: 'petMap'
        var radiusPicker = {
            xtype: 'radiusPicker'
        Ext.Viewport.add([petList, petMap, radiusPicker]);


Well there you have it: how to create a mobile web application integrated with Node.js and Google Maps. You can see this application in action by pointing your mobile device to this site,, or internally here. I hope you see the value in implementing client side MVC so that your code is concise and maintainable, especially if multiple developers were to work on it. You can view the complete code base here. Look for the final part of this series where I will show you how easy it is to deploy this application to the cloud using a PaaS like OpenShift, Heroku or Nodejitsu.

9 comments on “Mobile GeoLocation App in 30 minutes – Part 2: Sencha Touch

  1. Pingback: Mobile GeoLocation App in 30 minutes – Part 3: Deploying to OpenShift | Loutilities

  2. I have a problem that I can’t understand your code of Controller (MyApp.controller.PetTracker) below detail

    onPetSelected: function (list, record) {
    var mapView = this.getPetMap();
    Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(mapView, this.slideLeftTransition);

    this.renderMap(mapView, mapView.down(“#petMap”).getMap(),;

    var mapView = this.getPetMap() ??? I do not know why this is the function setPetMap() from where is ?

    Because for me was the error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setRecord’ of undefined

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘getShowMapa’ (just like you getPetMap),but your code in Controller is correct and for me, unfortunately, do not works/incorrect

  3. To me that sounds like it’s not able to get a reference to the object that has setRecord. Is ShowMapa an instantiated view at this point? If not, you’d need to do that. I would add ShowMapa to your launch function in app.js. I do it like this:

            var map = {
                xtype: 'location'
            var msgBox = {
                xtype: 'msgBox'
            Ext.Viewport.add([map, msgBox]);
  4. Hi, very nice tutorial 🙂

    i’m trying to use it, but i want to add all of it into one tabpanel.

    currently i have two lists in tab panel. on that way:


    xtype: ‘categoryList’
    xtype: ‘locationsList’

    so you have any idea how to switch the “locationList on that
            Ext.Viewport.add([petList, petMap, radiusPicker]);

  5. I’m quite new to app building and programming skills rather slim (VBA in Excel). I’ve gone through Part 1 and 2, getting your files from GitHub and making some changes to account for it not being hosted on the cloud. I was able to fire up the app successfully but then I noticed I didn’t change the url, it was still
    url: ‘’,
    I changed it to point to my localhost folder but I get ‘no dogs found’. Added the prt 8081 and I still got the same error.
    I’m not sure where to start looking for why I am unable to connect to my database.

    Also, added the mongodb database manually with two entries. Not an expert on mongodb so it appears the date field is of type string. Would this be a problem?

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